Linking Legacy Systems for Situational Awareness

Most facilities’ technology infrastructures include voice and data networks on which emergency alerting applications, telephone service and email run. What’s missing is the ability to tie these disparate alarm and communication systems together so they can work in concert, not in siloes.
Do You Know What’s Happening Now?

Welcome to our revamped blog. Formerly known as the Voice of SARA for our core software application and its text-to-voice capability, we held a contest among our employees a few weeks ago to come up with a new name. We want to educate the marketplace about situational awareness (SA) for life safety, security, environmental monitoring and mass […]
Staff Safety and Security in Hospitals

I’m not sure I fully appreciated the dangers associated with working in a hospital until Status Solutions started designing and implementing technology solutions for healthcare organizations, but my eldest daughter deciding to become a nurse is what really brought the realization home. I worry about her being exposed to a contagious disease or getting stuck […]
Seniors Need Electrons Too!

A recent study by the Pew Research Center found that 53 percent of American adults ages 65 and older use the Internet or email. However, this finding invites the question of whether 53 is a big number or a small number. Let’s examine. If 53 percent of seniors were clothed, would that be good or […]
The Truth About Fire Extinguishers

Fire is the leading cause of premature death worldwide, far surpassing earthquakes, disease, famine, floods, etc. Fire extinguishers have proved to be exceedingly effective at preventing significant death tolls when they function properly. But inspections are often shoddy, and a great percentage of fire extinguishers malfunction at critical times (like when there is a fire) due to […]
Alerting vs. Monitoring

One of the benefits of being a veteran in the technology space is that you get to see a lot of trending over a lot of years and decades. Let me make a few observations: The first time I made a call on a prospect for Rolm phone mail in the mid-1980s I was laughed out […]