Thinking Beyond the Panic Button for School Safety
Every hospital has an infant abduction system because infants have been kidnapped from nurseries, and senior living communities are required to install appropriate life safety systems such as nurse call. Does this mean our lives only have value when we’re babies or seniors but not in between? Of course not. For a full life cycle […]
Effective Mobile Health Monitoring
The key to effective mobile health monitoring is turning the data collected into actionable interventions based on personalized care models – in other words, personalized alerting. A mobile health monitoring system with a software-based rules engine can track information clinicians can use to establish baselines indicating an individual’s health and wellness. Then alerts will be […]
Alerting at the Point of Care
Alerts from point-of-care systems must be delivered to the people best qualified to respond via the communication devices they actually use. So driving situational awareness to as many screens as possible is key – from workstations (desktops and laptops), to tablets and digital signage, including TVs, to smartphones and pagers. Such mass notification enables mobility […]
Duress Alerting
Duress alerting falls into two categories: fixed and mobile. Fixed panic buttons are installed as permanent fixtures and used to indicate a specific or coded alert. For example, each button on a four-button fixed duress device can be programmed for a different alert: student fight, medial emergency such as a hurt or injured student or […]
Mass Notification Ensures Fast, Effective Communication

You can’t control the weather, but you can control how you prepare and respond to weather emergencies or other triggering events that require detailed, efficient and ongoing communication to protect people, property, business and convenience. That’s why situational awareness – including mass notification – is critical to emergency preparedness and disaster recovery. As a […]
Mass Notification Ensures Fast, Effective Communication
You can’t control the weather, but you can control how you prepare and respond to weather emergencies or other triggering events that require detailed, efficient and ongoing communication to protect people, property, business and convenience. That’s why situational awareness – including mass notification – is critical to emergency preparedness and disaster recovery. As a […]
Beware of Vendorama

What are the common mistakes to avoid when implementing safety and security measures? The most common mistake is making a product decision instead of a value decision. Organizations need to ask themselves if they just want to buy a product or work with a true technology partner who will focus on applying the technology that […]
How’s Your Wireless Infrastructure?

Technology is always changing because new innovations, capabilities and functionality are being discovered and then developed on new platforms. Frequency Agile (FA) technology was state-of-the-art 15 years ago, but Inovonics introduced the EchoStream (EN) radio platform in 2009, and it is now the standard for commercial wireless products because it offers the best performance. The […]
Environmental Monitoring Protects Hospital Inventories, Equipment

A hospital in Florida lost an entire supply of skin grafts because the refrigerator they were stored in malfunctioned. A freezer malfunction in Massachusetts severely damaged a third of the world’s largest collection of brain samples being used to study autism. These are just two recent examples of what happens when stand-alone monitoring and alerting […]
Societal Megatrends Shape Business

Self-service is one of four megatrends shaping society and subsequently technology and business. The others are convergence, mobility and awareness. Convergence refers to the confluence of voice, data, wireless and even body-area networks that provide an unprecedented level of connectivity and therefore information access. Mobility enables that information to be at our fingertips 24×7 without […]